The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

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The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

(While looking for an old post, I ran across this article I wrote nearly 10 years ago. I thought you might enjoy it. I am re-sharing it exactly as I wrote it, but have added some new thoughts at the bottom.)

Almost every day, I read or hear one of the following statements:

Music education is in trouble. Music education is in danger of extinction. Music education is going the way of the dinosaurs and the Flobie. Okay, I made up the part about the Flobie. The problem is, none of the statements above is rooted in fact. Here are some facts:

The problem is, none of the statements above is rooted in fact. Here are some facts:

  • The number of music programs in this country growing.

  • 94% of all public elementary schools currently offer music.

  • A similar number exists for secondary schools.

  • Instrument sales are increasing annually

  • Eleven months ago, USA Today ranked “Music Director” as the #3 fastest growing job in the United States.

A conspiracy theorist might suspect that there has been a calculated and systemic campaign designed to trick people into believing that music education was in trouble, and I would agree. 

Who would do such a thing? 

Who would plot against music and America’s children? Music teachers, that’s who. It seems like every time I speak to a teacher, they lament the current state of music education in America. They often speak with a sense of despondence that would make Eeyore seem like a motivational speaker! Yes, music teachers, the very people in charge of spreading the good news are the ones most often declaring doom and gloom. 

When did we decide that music education was in trouble? When did we get so down on music education? If you look at the long-term growth of music education, you might scratch your head and wonder why we aren’t all celebrating our gains instead of predicting our deaths.

  • One hundred years ago music education did not exist.

  • Seventy-five years ago it was an after school activity.

  • Fifty years ago there were few options for festivals and performances.

  • Twenty-five years ago, there were no national competitions.

  • The level of demand and achievement for most ensembles is increasing annually.

I do believe teaching music is getting harder, but not because it is diminishing, because it is growing. It is growing in quality and quantity. It’s getting harder because you are doing, teaching, and achieving more than ever before.

If easy were what you were looking for, you would not have survived ear training and class piano, so I figure you're up to the challenge. When it comes to music education, I don’t think the sky is falling, I think the ground is rising.

Fast forward a decade...

I do believe that COVID will have an impact on our profession, but I also believe that the level of impact is somewhat in our control. Is it possible we will see a reduced capacity? Yes. But, it might make for more leveled ensembles and student growth. Is it possible we will see a reduced schedule? Yes. But, it might force us to be even more efficient with our time. Most obstacles also present an equal opportunity. 

When it comes to all things COVID, we are not in charge. But we are in charge of how we react and respond. we are in control of how and what we communicate to those looking to us to lead. We are responsible to pivot and change in whatever way is necessary to minimize the impact and provide for safe learning environment. React, respond and be responsible, that is our role, but is also our opportunity.

Right now, I am knee-deep into two MAJOR new projects that are tracking for a mid-July release. Had it not been for COVID-19, they might never have come to fruition. Would I rather be running around the country, working with great kids and talented teachers? YES! But, has all of the content creation associated with Leadership University, the COVID webinars, and these two new projects made me better able to serve the profession? No question about it.

I wish that we never had to endure what this pandemic has brought and will continue to bring. But as painful as it has been, it has made me a better teacher, father and person. Husband? The jury is still out and that one. She's not used to me being around THIS much.

Have a great Wednesday. If I have not said it already. Thanks for reading. You give me a sense of purpose and I appreciate you.

With gratitude,
