Playing hookey in NYC!

Look, were friends right?  I can be honest with you and you won’t judge me, right?

Okay, then I can tell you that it’s Tuesday night, and I have not give this week's newsletter one tiny thought. No, really, I haven't.

WAIT… Don’t get mad! You know you’re important to me. I mean, I am there for you every week... right?  Good times and bad, happy times and sad, Friday night games and… well, no, I’m not there for you then.
This week I had to make a multi-day trip to New York City for some workshops and meetings. It just so happened to coincide with my kids' fall break. My wife, in all her wisdom said, “You should take Brayden (my 10 year old son) with you."

What has ensued has been five of the most fun days of my life. Truly, it has been spectacular!

At times, my job requires me to be with all of you when Brayden would like me to be with him. So I think you can understand when I say that today, when I am supposed to be with you, I am going to spend it with him.

I promise to be back next week with something extra pithy and poignant, but for now, we’re going to go jump the subway to Times Square and catch Finding Neverland.

Who knew playing hookey would be so much fun?!

Have a great week!