That's a wrap!

Speaking of crescendoing through things… Right on the heels of our release of Be Part of the Orchestra we went right back to work with the intent of “raising the bar” ourselves. This past week we spent three days at Broken Arrow High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma shooting video for Stay in Music!, which aims to retain middle school students in music (band/choir/orchestra) as they transition to high school.
With three light kits, two HDR cameras, wired and wireless sound packs, a motion stabilizer rig, and a drone, we may have exceeded our luggage limit BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! We could not have been more pleased with what we were able to accomplish and capture on film.
Now the real work begins as we begin the post production work of editing, document prep, graphics development, packaging, duplication, and distribution. We are well under way and on target for a December release, just in time for your January recruiting blitz.

Our deepest thanks to our friends at Broken Arrow High School and our sponsors (listed below) for helping to make this project possible.

Have a great week everyone!